Sunday, September 21, 2008

206 miles, 3 states, 1 day - LOTOJA 2008

September 6, 2008 brought what had been the culmination of 4 months of preparation for a long cycling race from Logan, UT to Jackson Hole, WY. One year ago two of my brother in laws rode in this race and got me interested. I had a few friends who had purchased bikes, so I started the search for a bike. The bike search ended in Scott Muir, my So Cal brother in law selling me his awesome bike that was too small.

I started seriously riding in May and the two months before LOTOJA I rode 600+ miles each month, including climbing around 45,000 feet each month.

This is a picture of me crossing the finish line in Jackson Hole, WY. I am relieved because the last 25 miles I was seriously wondering if I would make it. The song on this blog "Killing me Softly" is only fitting :)